Section: Dissemination


Wendy Mackay was interviewed for Inria/Technoscope: ”L’interaction homme-machine en ligne de mire”, February, 2013, and for an article in “Science & Vie” on the topic of Google Glass, November 12, 2013.

Wendy Mackay was interviewed on two France Culture radio shows: “Place de la Toile” on the topic of tomorrow's computers (“l'ordinateur de demain”) on September 7, 2013 and on “Science Publique” on the topic of whether augmented reality will change our vision of the world (“La réalité augmentée va-t-elle changer notre vision du monde?”) on November 1, 2013.

Wendy Mackay and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon were each interviewed as the scientist of the day (“savant du jour”) on the France Inter radio show “On va tous y passer”, on October 30 and November 20, 2013 respectively.